Baudelaire - traducción al francés
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Baudelaire - traducción al francés

Baudelaire; Charles Pierre Baudelaire; Charles-Pierre Baudelaire; Baudelaire, Charles Pierre; Beaudelaire; Baudelaire, Charles
  • [[Apollonie Sabatier]], muse and one-time mistress, painted by [[Vincent Vidal]]
  • Baudelaire, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, ''Œuvres complètes'' (''Complete Works''), volume I.
  • Portrait of a 23-year-old Baudelaire, painted in 1844 by Émile Deroy (1820–1846)
  • Grave of Baudelaire in [[Cimetière du Montparnasse]]
  • Nadar]], 1855
  • Cenotaph of Charles Baudelaire, Montparnasse Cemetery
  • Charles Baudelaire, de face}} (1869 print of 1865 etching) by [[Édouard Manet]]
  • Illustration cover for ''Les Épaves'', by Baudelaire's friend [[Félicien Rops]]

Baudelaire, family name; Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867), French poet
Charles Baudelaire         
Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867), French poet known for gruesome imagery and evocative language, first translator of Edgar Allan Poe


Charles Baudelaire

Charles Pierre Baudelaire (UK: , US: ; French: [ʃaʁl(ə) bodlɛʁ] (listen); 9 April 1821 – 31 August 1867) was a French poet who also produced notable work as an essayist, art critic and translator. His poems exhibit mastery of rhyme and rhythm, contain an exoticism inherited from Romantics, and are based on observations of real life.

His most famous work, a book of lyric poetry titled Les Fleurs du mal (The Flowers of Evil), expresses the changing beauty of nature in the rapidly industrializing Paris during the mid-19th century. Baudelaire's original style of prose-poetry influenced a generation of poets including Paul Verlaine, Arthur Rimbaud and Stéphane Mallarmé, among many others. He coined the term modernity (modernité) to designate the fleeting experience of life in an urban metropolis, and the responsibility of artistic expression to capture that experience. Marshall Berman has credited Baudelaire as being the first Modernist.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para Baudelaire
1. and Baudelaire.
Diderot and the Art of Thinking Freely _ Andrew Curran _ Talks at Google
2. which references Charles Baudelaire.
Ejemplos de uso de Baudelaire
1. Et aussi que le chorégraphe exigeait de l‘écrivain qu‘il lui parle de Baudelaire.
2. Nous conclurons ainsi sur Baudelaire, qui va nous permettre d‘élargir encore cette réflexion.
3. Il avait en tęte les exemples de Baudelaire, de Flaubert et de Zola.
4. Qu‘ils s‘appellent Artaud ou Antonioni, Lynch ou Baudelaire, certains artistes ensorcellent.
5. Quant ŕ l‘expressionnisme, Grünewald, Goya et Kokoschka déjŕ transfigur';rent la laideur – et Baudelaire a réfléchi ŕ ce point!